What is mediation?

Polly Jackman


Mediation is a confidential, voluntary, and flexible process that helps people resolve disagreements with the help of a neutral third party. The third party, called a mediator, is impartial and does not take sides. The mediator's role is to help the parties involved find a solution they can all agree to.

A mediator should be able to help with agreements in relation to children or finances and can be a useful alternative to court proceedings. It is generally cheaper and quicker than using lawyers, and it can be a good route if you want to maintain a relationship with your ex – if you are co-parenting, for example. However, it is important to remember that a mediator is impartial and not necessarily legally trained, and that their aim is to help you to reach a solution you both agree to do so. This means that if there is a power imbalance, it can be more difficult for the less confident party to assert their needs and what they feel is fair. Mediators can take the path of least resistance and encourage an agreement that is not necessarily fair.

If you have experienced domestic abuse it is important to very carefully consider whether it is right for you to attend mediation. While safeguards can be put in place – for examples meetings could be online only, or you and your ex could stay in separate rooms while the mediator shuffles between you – it is important to be mindful of your mental, emotional and physical safety and your interests in achieving a favourable outcome.

The Ministry of Justice has launched a voucher scheme which will provide a contribution of up to £500 towards the mediation costs for eligible cases, supporting people in resolving their family law disputes outside of court, where appropriate. More information is available here.

To discuss mediation in more detail, and for recommendations for mediators, please get in touch. If you would like to speak to Polly to talk your situation through, whatever it might be, please give her a call on 07775 894 910, leave her a message by clicking on the contact box below, or email her at polly@pollyjackman.com.